Welcome! Feel free to look around and join us in searching for the genesis of the Obersee near Lunz. The two prevailing theories are that either:
1) the peat formed during a dry period and was uplifted when the karst depression was flooded with water, or
2) the mat formed from the edges as a floating mat from the start.
In red, you will find pictures of the sample sites, where we documented the peat and vegetation. In green, you'll find some clues and what they might mean for our hypothesis. What do you think?
Mapping by Nina Bohlmann, 2024. Map based on BASEMAP Austria Orthofoto 2020 (basemap.at) and data points collected via SW Maps. All images and research by Group 2 (Nori, Lena, Ananditha, Nina) for the Seminar Wetland Biogeochemistry.
Note: Photos may take a while to load! If site is down, reach out to nina.v.bohlmann (at) gmail.com.